Club Meetings

Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild (COFTG)
General Club Meetings – Face-to-Face in Sisters, OR

Our cub will host Face-to-Face meetings as soon as it is safe and members can attend.
Winter months are unpredictable so the meeting dates will be announced to club members by email.

Members that attend in-person are asked to pay a $5.00 material fee.

These meetings are held on a Saturdays, from 10:00 AM – 4:00MP PST. Bring food and snacks to share, and your lunch.

Hooks, Materials & Pattern Sheets for all the flies tied are supplied. We tie several files of each pattern to practice techniques & get the proportions correct.

Instructors offer up a multitude of information: The history, hatch it represents, how to fish the fly, where to fish and time of year.

It is relaxed, slow paced and geared for tyers to tie along using their own tools or Tools & Vises are available to use during the meeting.

Contact Sherry Steele 541-420-5532 For more information about the club face-to-face meetings.