Membership Applicationadmin2022-12-01T20:22:05+00:00 Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild (COFTG)Membership Application The membership fee is $15 per year. The following information is used in the roster. LAST NAME FIRST NAME *SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME LAST NAME IF DIFFERENTHOUSE NUMBER STREET *City *State *ZIP / Postal Code *EMAIL ADDRESS *Phone *FFI Membership NumberThis option can be filled in after your FFI membership has been completed if you are a new member.Fly Fishers InternationalCOFTG is a Charter Club of the FFI. To belong to the COFTG requires you to also be a member in good standing of the Fly Fishers International Click here to join: For more membership information, Contact: Sherry SteelePhone: 541-420-5532 Email: steelefly@msn.comLiability Release and Hold Harmless AgreementYou must sign this release EACH year when you renew to attend or participate in club activities. As a condition of membership or of participation in any activity encouraged or publicized by The Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild, I voluntarily assume all risks of my participation. In acknowledgment that I am doing so entirely upon my own initiative, risk, and responsibility, I do hereby for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators agree to remise, fully release, hold harmless, and forever discharge The Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild, all its officers, board members, and volunteers, acting officially or otherwise, from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions, on account of my death or on account of any injury to me or my property that may occur from any cause whatsoever while participating in any such COFTG activity. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this hold harmless and release agreement, and fully understand that it is a release of liability. I further acknowledge that I am waiving any right I may have to bring legal action to assert a claim against The Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild for its negligence. I have read the above statement and agree to its terms as a condition of my membership in The Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild.SIGNED BY PRINT NAME MONTH DAY YEAR *Submit Application