Introducing the COFTG Website & Blog
Because of your participation in the Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild (COFTG), Zoom Classes, and/or are a guild club member you have been automatically subscribed to our website and blog. A Zoom link for each class will be posted on our blog every week as a reminder.
There is a subscribe to our blogs on every page of our website to add your email to the blogs.
First Class Dec 1st, 2022 – Instructor Sherry Steele
Let’s Talk Soft Hackles: My favorite fly is a soft hackle for many reasons. What is your spin on these wonderful patterns? Why do they work? How do you fish them? When do you fish them? Where do you fish them? What materials/colors are big producers?
See you then,
Comments (3)
Testing. I’m loving the look and feel of this. Got some suggestions for text that I’d love to share with you when I’m done with the review. Thanks for asking. Val
looking forward to tying this winter
New class schedule for next series starting in November 2023